Shaza Riyadh promotes healthy lifestyle with new offers

Shaza Riyadh Hotel Residences, the contemporary luxury hotel residence in the heart of the Saudi capital announced its new Shaza Afiya Spa and Wellness Centre offers.

The luxurious spa and wellness centre is opulently designed with an exclusive theme, reflecting authentic treatments from the legendary Silk Route’s holistic rituals. It offers Recuperation, Rejuvenation and Repowering treatments.

Shaza Afiya extends two types of memberships: Active Afiya and Relaxed Todos. Both memberships offer exclusive access to Gym, Fitness Studio, while Relaxed Todos includes an additional 30% discounts on all Shaza Afiya services and 10% discount on Shaza Afiya retail products in addition to exclusive access to swimming pool, Jacuzzi and steam.

Day pass is also available for guests visiting Riyadh on short duration, meanwhile the membership offers come with three commitment options of one month, six months, and one year.

Andre Saade, General Manager of Shaza Riyadh Hotel Residences commented, ” We are delighted to offer our distinguished guests the ultimate experience of relaxation, recuperation and wellbeing. At Shaza Afiya, our travellers are taken through an all-encompassing wellness journey. We have assembled a team of certified professionals whose diverse backgrounds and experience will guide and motivate our visitors to enjoy a fun and healthy lifestyle.”

Beside gym offerings, Shaza Afiya also includes a specially designed fitness studio, a temperature controlled indoor pool, Jacuzzi and Steam, Hammam, and state of the art relaxation and recovery treatments.

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