The Tourism Authority of Kiribati (TAK) conducted an exploratory mission to the island of Banaba on 21 and 22 February 2021 to evaluate tourism opportunities for the island. The mission was conducted by CEO, Petero Manufolau and Senior Research and Statistics Officer, Nemani Tebana.

Better known as a former phosphate mining island until 1979, Banaba is Kiribati’s westernmost island with a total land area of 6.0 km2 and its highest point is also the highest point in Kiribati at 81 metres.

The mission included guided tour to Te Bangabanga, the Sacred Cave of Banaba, and visits to other historical sites on the island including the Sir Albert. F. Ellis monument, WWll Japanese slaughtering area, old hospital, islands football and cricket field and the remains of colonial homes that once dominated the islands real estate.

The site visits was followed by meeting with Banaba MP Tibanga Taratai and the Rabi Council of Leaders (RCL) Island Manager Malosi Kapati to discuss opportunities for tourism development on the island. It was agreed that TAK will work with the Island Council and the RCL to develop a working group that will seek our opportunities for tourism to Banaba.

TAK will develop the Terms of Reference for the working group and will be open to contributions from stakeholders on how tourism can help create economic opportunities for the island.

(Source: Tourism Authority of Kiribati)