• The Undersecretary of Tourism and Sernatur, with the support of ProChile, will develop a 100% digital event to showcase the Chilean exportable supply of the sector to generate business contacts with buyers from around the world at a click of a button.

Between June 8 and 10, our country will host an unprecedented trade show for the national tourism sector: Chile Virtual Expo Tourism, an event that will bring together on a single platform –https://tourism.chilevirtualexpo.com– – the offer of 200 Chilean tourism companies to show the country’s tourist attractions to the world.

Thanks to an alliance between ProChile, Sernatur, and the Undersecretary of Tourism, this free, 100% online trade show will be held to be accessed from anywhere in the world.  Guests of the tourism sector part of Chile’s priority markets, such as Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, United States, Canada, Spain, France, Germany, England, and China, among others are expected to attend.  The invitation was also extended to the tourism industry of other markets since the trade show is global.

In this regard, the Undersecretary of Tourism, José Luis Uriarte, pointed out that, within the new post-pandemic context, “Chile has a lot to offer to travelers who will be looking for safe sanitary spaces and diverse experiences away from mass tourism, much more linked to open spaces, and in contact with nature and authenticity. This trade show is a particularly important initiative for the reactivation of the national tourism activity, as it allows us to maintain commercial links and boost international promotion efforts with the participation of 200 national tourism companies, which will contact travel agencies and tour operators from different markets”.

As the undersecretary pointed out, in addition to maintaining our country’s tourism promotion activities that have been carried out over the years, Chile Virtual Expo Tourism will allow an expansion of the group of international buyers to promote from the Region of Arica and Parinacota to the Region of Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica.

Meanwhile, Andrea Wolleter, national director of Sernatur, highlighted the relevance of the Chile Virtual Expo Tourism because “it is the first multi-market digital trade show that we will have during this semester in the country.  We must seek a reactivation for when health conditions allow it and, in these times, getting on the global trend of virtual events is more than necessary to safeguard everyone´s health.  This will be a space of commercial interaction for our exportable tourism offer, where national providers and operators will be able to network and find opportunities for new business”.

A new display, a new world

Chile Virtual Expo Tourism of Sernatur and ProChile is the most relevant online promotional event for the exportable offer of national tourism services, as it eliminates geographical and time barriers, allowing the dissemination of information throughout the day and in a sustainable manner.

In this version dedicated to tourism, the trade show will give space to national tour operators focused on the entire national territory, the 16 regional directorates of Sernatur with the promotion of their destinations, the convention bureaus with their MICE segment offer and international buyers, in addition to the participation of ProChile, Chile Travel, and Enoturismo Chile, among other institutions.

“In this new virtual space, we will welcome tourists and companies from all over the world who will be able reach our tour service providers and learn about the experiences we can offer to those visiting our wonderful Chile.  For years, our country has been recognized as the leading adventure tourism destination in the world, but our offer is broader than that: gastronomic tourism, wine tourism, mountain, astronomical and even Antarctic tourism.  Through this expo, tourists will confirm that Chile is implementing all the required pandemic protocols and is ready to welcome tourists as soon as the sanitary situation allows it”, emphasized Jorge O’Ryan, ProChile’s General Director.

During the three-day event, attendees will find information on Chilean export companies, which makes Chile Virtual Expo an excellent tool to promote the development and internationalization of Chilean companies.

Within the trade show, each exhibitor will have a virtual stand to showcase its exportable offer through videos and product catalogs and interact via chat with visitors to the event 24 hours a day.

Chile Virtual Expo seeks to pave the way for the country’s economic recovery, in which tourism plays a key role with countless destinations and experiences to offer new post-pandemic travel trends.